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fiTNTES training


winning fitness program

Trainer Expert



Personal Training programs are designed based on 9 variables:

1. Age
2.Bone structure
4.Particular goals
5.Medical history
8.Results of fitness evaluation
9.Doctor’s input and recommendations


class facilities

Fitness workouts are comprised of constantly varied functional movements.
Forearm strength may be one of the most overlooked necessities in holding a handstand.
Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health
Powerlifting is an individualized strength sport
Basically circuit training is done by performing one exercise after another
Body Shaping
This full body workout with Pilates exercises is an intermediate routine

Aerobic exercise

Making the decision to join a gym is a great first step towards improving your health and quality of life. For over 10 years, Fit Life has been dedicated to giving people a great fitness experience while helping pAerobic means ‘with air’ and refers to the body producing energy with the use of oxygen. This typically involves any exercise that lasts longer than two minutes in duration.
Anaerobic means ‘without air’ and refers to the body producing energy without oxygen. This is typically exercise that is performed at a higher intensity. There are two ways that the body can produce energy anaerobically.eople of all fitness levels reach their goals.

It is true that aerobic exercise calls upon more energy sources, and therefore burns up more fat in order to provide that extra energy.
And aerobic workouts do burn a higher percentage of fat than carbs. That being said, high-intensity anaerobic exercises burn more total calories and therefore burn more total fat.

Even though fewer calories come from fat during anaerobic exercise, more total calories were burned at the high intensity and more overall fat was actually burned.
So if you’re looking to burn a high amount of fat in a shorter period of time, anaerobic exercise is the most efficient.
But still, it’s good to mix up your workout…a good mixture of aerobic and anaerobic exercise will ensure you’re burning calories from both carbs and fat.

Train with Experts



What We Offer

At Fitness Solutions we are dedicated to offering the best amenities, equipment, classes, programs and professional staff, to help our members reach their fitness goals.

Over 85 Free Group Fitness Classes
Awarded with the “Best of the Best” Fitness Classes in 2019, Fitness Solutions’ members can take advantage of over 85 free group fitness classes per week. We have classes galore – ranging from classic group fitness staples such as lesmills body pump, step aerobics, floor aerobics, Tabata, CrossFit, and spinning, to the hottest new fitness crazes such as BHANGRA, Pilates, HIIT, plyometrics, bootcamp bosu balance training , Insanity, Kettlebell lifting and more!


ver 85 Free Group Fitness Classes
Awarded with the “Best of the Best” Fitness Classes in 2019, Fitness Solutions’ members can take advantage of over 85 free group fitness classes per week. We have classes galore – ranging from classic group fitness staples such as lesmills body pump, step aerobics, floor aerobics, tabata, crossfit, and spinning, to the hottest new fitness crazes such as BHANGRA, Pilates, HIIT,plyometrics, bootcamp bosu balance training , Insanity, Kettelbell lifting and more!

Body Shaping

Variety of Cardiovascular and Strength Training Equipment –
Any slight change in angle of movement will work new muscle fiber, raising basal metabolism, improving coordination and increasing the hardness of the muscle group being worked. When we continually work the same muscle fiber by doing the same movements over and over, the body adapts and progress ceases. Change is essential for visible results, which is why Fitness Solutions offers 12 different lines of the newest technology in cardiovascular and toning equipment. No two pieces of toning equipment are the same on our exercise floors, there’s plenty of opportunity to switch up your routine to avoid plateauing.


we offer

Quaterly Fees

6000 ₹

Half Yearly Fees

9500 ₹

Annualy Fees

15000 ₹

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